Tour Guide at Mount Holyoke College
Class of 2027
Hometown: Washington, DC
Major: Neuroscience & Behavior
Secondary Major: Critical Race and Political Economy
I wanted a school where I could continue my athletic career and still get a quality education. I also wanted a smaller school where I can foster good relationships with professors. I also love how welcoming everyone was when I was a perspective student, and those good vibes haven't changed since I've been here. Everyone is so kind and like minded here, and I love the tight-knit community I've built with my peers and professors.
Mountain Day! I love climbing the mountain with the soccer team and getting temporary tattoos that last way too long. Plus the ice cream at the top serves as a nice reward after the beautiful hike up Skinner mountain.
Psychopharmacology is my favorite neuroscience class because it teaches me about how drugs interact with our body and brain, what causes addictive behaviors, and how to treat neurological disorders. I love how hands-on the class is with the weekly case studies that we collaborate on in class.
Don't fear talking to current students! We've been in your shoes and we are a good way to find out if a college is right for you. Also, don't fear asking any questions (positive or negative) about the school, because at the end of the day it's your future.