
Zivaishe J.

Tour Guide at Mount Holyoke College

Class of 2027

Hometown: Harare, Zimbabwe

Major: International Relations

Secondary Major: Economics

My advice to prospective students is...

Be yourself! Authenticity is key. It is so amazing and liberating to meet new people, make new friends and achieve different things when you are being yourself. It really shows how awesome you are and helps you gain so much confidence.

My favorite class is...

My favourite class of all time at MHC was World Music. It was such an interesting, vibrant and interactive class. I am not a music major but this was a fun way to learn more about music from different cultures around the world. I took World Music in my first semester and it is still definitely my favourite class.

I chose Mount Holyoke College because...

I felt that during my application and admission process, both the admissions and athletic departments showed me a lot of care. I had great responses from staff and I was able to have amazing conversations with current students over zoom. These things showed me that I would be joining a lively, extremely welcoming and safe community.

My favorite MHC tradition is...

Mountain Day! I absolutely love every single thing about Mountain day, from the surprise as to when it is, to climbing the mountain and all the way to enjoying ice cream and amazing views at the summit. It is a day when the entire campus community is together and really taking in the moment.

I'm passionate about...

Pleasure Reading Flute singing (but just for fun!)

I'm involved with...

Mock Trial (Treasurer) The Unusual Suspects (Improv) Varsity Track and Field Pre-Law Association Student Athlete Advisory Committee
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