Tour Guide at Mount Holyoke College
Class of 2026
Hometown: Miami, FL
Major: Environmental Studies
Secondary Major: Sociology
Ask questions! There are seriously no stupid questions. We are here to give you an insight to Mount Holyoke and you should feel free to ask us questions to give you clarity on that.
Drag Ball. It is a space for the Mount Holyoke community to come together and showcase performances, while implementing aspects of queer ballroom culture. It is so much fun!
Food Equity and Empowerment with Professor Aguilar. This class has been revelatory in showing the inequality and wastefulness built into our current food systems. And the frequent field trips aren't too bad either!
I wanted a place that felt supportive and comfortable so I could feel free to explore my areas of interest. I have come out of my comfort zone at MHC and have done things that I would have never previously imagined for myself.